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HFI Opening Day

On March 17th, HFI greeted its opening day to the public. With sunshine illuminating the arrays of display boards showcasing the history and admission results of HFI, the campus warmly welcomed parents and students to visit the most renowned international school in Guangzhou. In the Aoxiao Building, lectures were held to share HFI's college admission results, special curriculum, EAP English Academic Program, and the latest admissions information. These lectures provided abundant information for prospective students and parents to gain insight into the detailed student life at HFI.

Clubs in HFI participated actively on the Open Day and demonstrated the rich and various activities HFI students engage in. Peer-buddy, a club that helps new students adapt and succeed in HFI, guided parents around the campus and enthusiastically introduced places where HFIers study hard, run freely, and eat healthily. The club also prepared pamphlets written by juniors and seniors regarding life in HFI that provide useful techniques and tools for future HFIers to succeed academically and socially in HFI. Lillian BioKingdom, the biology club named after the respected biology teacher of HFI, brought a mini-lab to the scene. The club presented the magic of photosynthesis to junior high students by marimo. Visitors blew air with a straw into a plastic cup filled with blue solution. After the carbon dioxide blown reacted with water, the solution turned yellow. Then, when the marimo was placed in the cup and shone under light, by photosynthesis, the carbon dioxide was depleted and the solution turned blue again. The participants were intrigued by the knowledge in the experiment and the fun and diverse academic life of HFI. The clubs that participated passionately welcomed parents and students, providing them with a friendly, academic, and interesting idea of life in HFI.

There are more than eleven hundred people registered for the Open Day. Parents and students counseled HFIers about future plans, the burden of studying, and well-being. HFIers responded patiently that though studying in HFI is intense, the opportunity of learning what they truly love and the sense of accomplishment is worth the effort. Following the club exhibition, students from the Peer-buddy Club guided parents and prospective students on a campus tour. During the tour, parents and students were impressed by the pride and confidence exhibited by the student guides. Their fluent and professional introductions portrayed the enriching educational resources and nurturing environment provided by HFI.

In the end, parents and students all wore hopeful smiles when gazing upon the campus. They know that it’s a fantastic place for students to thrive in not only academics but also personal growth, extracurricular activities, and building lifelong friendships.

Content Proposers: Bonnie Liu, Selena Yao

Writers: Bonnie Liu, Selena Yao

Editors: Bonnie Liu, Selena Yao

Photos by: Bonnie Liu, Selena Yao