HFI 2022毕业生演讲稿选辑 by Jade Liang
Dear teachers, faculties, families, and fellow students of class of 2022,
Good afternoon, I’m Jade, Jingtong Liang. Today, I’m honored to be here and give this speech.
Three years ago, in the same stage, for the same audiences, class of 2020 graduate Richard Li had shared with us “how to survive in HFI”. There were reminders like “stop procrastination”, “find and explore passions”, “engage with the community” and so on. We, class of 2022, all did it, probably except the first one, as it has been a viral trend to be a ddl fighter. Congratulations! Don’t hesitate to give yourself a thumbs-up!
Especially in these three years, the world is drastically changing, and we have to embrace these many uncertainties. In the busiest and most stressful junior year, we were suddenly told to take the ACT instead of SAT, with only three examinations opportunities. We had to in a short time fulfill the complicated GAC requirements, and adapt to ACT’s limited reading periods, special science questions, and digital format that we can no longer highlight and take notes for important clues. AP was moved to online as well. My AP European History Test started at 1 a.m. on May 20th, and I had to deliberately stayed up till 4 a.m. for several days before to temporarily change my circadian rhythm. This year, some of us have to travel to Hong Kong. With quarantines and risks of infections, we had to leave home and school for almost a month. Summer Colleges were either cancelled or moved to online, so we could not visit universities and personally feel their vibes. The enthusiasm of face-to-face discussions, of wearing lab coats and using fancy equipment, and of interacting with foreign classmates vanished. The International Days for the past two years could not be hosted in person, and we could not feel the excitement of selling, yelling, cooking, and performing.
I’m not telling you what we lost, but what we gained and learned. These three years teach us how to cope with sudden changes, to create the most out of what we have, and to be satisfied with what we have.
We transitioned to ACT, to TOEFL home edition, to AP online tests, to online summer schools and research programs, and never stopped learning new things in new ways. We hosted an online carnival of International Day in 2021, made videos to introduce cultures and sell products, tried alternative virtual charity run, and still donated several thousands. Most importantly, we cherish more each moment of meeting each other in person, of talking happily with teachers, of seeing cute cats in the grasslands, and of performing spectacularly on stage.
Each academic year, we took online classes for some time. They were never dull and boring as our lovely teachers tried their best to make online classes fun. Creativity like Mr. Six’s diverse themes of dress code and Helen’s idea to draw “together at home” colorfully on A4 papers enlivened the Tencent meeting room. With Jenny’s and Ken’s patient and detailed instructions of past exam papers, we were never behind schedule of revision. Toby as usual warmly greeted each one of us, asking about our daily life and my strange angle of camera, and never missed one class even though he was in the airport or lining for a covid test. Biology classes were fun all the time as Lilian invited the last person coming in the meeting room to sing. It is the mixture of online and offline classes that make our high-school experience unique and unforgettable.
HFI students not only survive but also make changes. We initiate, inspire, and influence. We engage, envision, and enlighten.
In Year 9 of junior high school, when selecting which international school to go to, I was told that at HFI, I can always find someone to cooperate with and achieve something big. Yes, indeed. The student body of HFI, of Class of 2022 is so vibrant and encouraging that everyone endeavors to make the surrounding community better, to embrace diversity of ideas, backgrounds and perspectives, and to exert voices to turn imagination into real impacts. I can easily find friends to join my project, can freely share my beliefs, can do what normal high school students dare not. Class of 2022, you have inspired me greatly.
Mike and Louis directed the very first Fine Arts Week and Got Talent Show, in which we appreciated the fantastic drama productions of Hamilton and “We don’t talk about Bruno”, the collaborative show “La La Land” by Fusion and Musical, Peter, Rachel, and Esther’s show of rhythm game, Jack’s magic show, Bryan’s experiment of hypnosis and meditations, and the exhibition with photos of cute cats. This year, we can even draw freely on canvases. I am genuinely moved by the power of arts, creativity, life, nature, and ourselves, generation z. Class of 2022, we make HFI dynamic, artistic and engaging.
In these three years’ sports meetings, we shouted for Jemmy, Emily C and X, Sammy, Ning, and others who challenged themselves and broke records. Jemmy was faster than others for more than 200 meters in 800 meters run, and earned medals for almost all the games she participated; Emily did not give up on racing despite of leg injury; Sammy enrolled in the 1500 meters run for two years and practiced every day for better performance. Their persistence, honor, and steadfast belief prove that anything is possible as long as we try and fight. And of course, huge thanks to responsible volunteers and photographers who support them from time to time. Class of 2022, we make HFI inspiring, athletic, and cohesive.
I could never forget the cute Santa costume, the surprise of Santa Penny breaking into each classroom, the warm hug from Santa Aurora, chocolates from Judy in Christmas Eve last year. Psych Club’s Santa Hug definitely marked the best Christmas I have ever had. Thank you so much for the generous spread of love! Class of 2022, we make HFI friendly, fun and interactive.
Coming into such a diverse environment, I am immediately enlightened by the many symposiums on different social issues, the discussions of books and texts, and the sharing of fun facts and knowledge with friends who have common interests or majors. Ariel’s podcasts on philosophy, Judy’s psychology and nutrition knowledge, Zimo’s thorough analysis on literatures, biology students’ sharing of latest researches, AP Lit’s spiderweb discussions, UnBOOKlievable’s discussion on Hermann Hesse and modernism, workshops of the Debate Club are merely an iceberg. We strive to speak out, to learn about the world, to look ahead for solutions to social issues. to Class of 2022, we make HFI academic, awe-inspiring, and eye-opening.
For each big events in these three years, I will definitely go to see Fusion’s shows. I see the passion of Alexander, Tiffany, Shirley, Elaina, Doris and many others who persisted from year 10 to 12, the innovation to grasp small light bulbs in hands, and the inclusiveness of new members who would like to try dancing after college application. In this year’s final showcase of Fine Arts Week, each dance is so stunning that I start to realize what a big step we take from the beginning to today, from a freshman to a senior. The sound and light effects, the emotions and atmosphere, and the strength of each move are conveying what HFI students are capable of. We take courage to try everything that interests us, take initiative to influence and help others, and take advantage of all resources to stand out and prove ourselves.
What enables HFI students to shine during unpredictable times?
I believe it is resilience and initiatives—two important lessons I learn in HFI and want to share with you today.
Life is nothing like a bed of roses for anyone. There are low times when we could not get everything we want, and have to face problems and adversities. It is harder especially for us, who leave families and friends, and walk into a new environment alone. What we can do is to make the best of the circumstances that we cannot control, to look at the brighter side and be flexible, and to manage negative feelings and calm down. Be a person with resilience, with a strong heart, with self-awareness. When there is an emergency or a sudden change, try to immediately find out the reason behind and formulate a plan B to minimize negative outcomes. When we are not accepted into a program or an internship, try to be aware of our weaknesses and to improve them as much as possible. Most importantly, try to build a system to manage sensations and impulses. You could write down how you feel after being informed of bad news, analyze your flow of emotions, and think of what you can do to relieve and release negative emotions. For me, it would be listening to certain songs, watching TV dramas, chatting with friends or parents, walking around the campus to calm down and think about how to prepare for the next opportunity.
Resilience is also knowing clearly about our strengths and weaknesses, our passions and dreams, and our unique personalities and mindsets. Coming into a new university, we want to achieve many things: a double or even triple major, minors and certificates, a start-up project and so on. Nevertheless, we could not do everything but anything: be aware of what we are capable of and what we truly desire. Grasp one or two major fields to dive deep into, let the rest go and enjoy.
I still remembered what Delia said when explaining an SAT reading passage: it is easy to ignore the tiny but unique happiness in our boring daily routines; those who can find and cherish these moments are great. When we are rushing for goals, for expectations, for dreams, take time to appreciate the casual magic of life: a nice cup of coffee, a new song, a serene sunset, a random come-across of old friends, and many lucky moments to preserve. When we see the surroundings through a new lens and discover the small, beautiful things, we gain a newfound courage to enjoy the bright side and a stable and strong inner self to face dangers in life. Be self-assured.
I believe many of us have experienced “aha” moment, when an idea or inspiration suddenly popped up in mind to do something big, something different. We feel the thrill of brainstorming and polishing creative ideas and plans, the excitement for the future that these creations may help someone, and the sense of achievement that we have grown up to be able to initiate, to voice, to change. However, at such a young age, we do not have as many resources, social networks, and skills as famous brands, celebrities, and KOLs. We may not make as huge impacts as imagined.
How can we let more people know what we are doing? How can we connect with them? How can we build an enterprise from scratch? Even though some of you do not fancy the idea of start-up and entrepreneurship, you may definitely wonder how to promote yourself, how to step out of the comfort zone, and how to do something your peers could not, such as an internship in the coming summer holidays.
I would say, the answer is initiative. Initiative is not only creativity of ideas, but also the vision to see problems of the society, the courage to put yourself out there, the determination to change the status quo, the faith and power to keep mission-driven. Be discerning about what the society lacks, where inequality lies, which group of people should be cared for. Be bold to reach out and promote your proposals. Your teachers, mentors, friends may be potential investors, advisors, and partners. If you do not yet have a strong social network, try to build one, pitch to everyone you meet, and let them know your unique visions, which come from self-awareness. Be visionary to take minimal viable steps towards a goal, and stick to the path.
The past three years, HFI provides us with freedom and resources to initiate and reform. In the near future, universities and the society will be grander stages for us to initiate and create. With resilience and initiative, we can make a difference.
Today, we graduate from HFI, and embark on a brand-new journey exploring the unknown. Shortly, arriving in a different nation, we will gain new identities, enter a new stage of life, meet new people, and of course face new challenges. Adulthood, college life, relationship, culture shock, homesickness… There are many to undertake. Do not panic. Try to create and enjoy happiness out of boring daily life, try to ask yourself what you truly want, try to keep your own pace. And, of course, do not forget to catch up with friends and teachers now sitting beside you, and call your parents who always stand behind you.
Now, I may take some time to give huge thanks to my teachers and friends, for the educational enrichment, life wisdoms, support and trust.
I’m grateful for the kind reminder from Joel to “stay safe”, the funny stories you share with us about the crowded metro line 3, the inspiring recap questions, and the precise timing of classes. As a biology major, I learn many from your teaching.
Thank you, Toby for your book recommendations and note-taking tips. I’m grateful for reading and analyzing Educated, To Kill a Mockingbird, Macbeth, The Great Gatsby and so on in freshman year. Though it took much time and efforts to take notes, it inspires me to pay attention to details in books.
Thank you, Mr. Frost, Matt, and Ms. Lindsey. I’m grateful for your instructions on writing, literature, and historical analysis. When I had difficulties in essay writing and literature analysis in junior year, you back me up.
Thank you, Yolanda, Jenny, and Ken for your detailed instructions and sharing fun facts in biology and medicine. I am confident to transition to science courses in university.
Thank you, Lilian for inspiring my love for biology. Thank you, Rachel, Susan, and Mary for your patient and responsible teaching that builds the foundation for my AP science courses.
Wendy’s introduction of astrology, the famous quote about reading and vocabulary, and book recommendations; Delia’s thorough explanations of each SAT and ACT passage, the magic to clearly know why each choice is right or wrong, and genuine advices for study and life; and Helen’s helpful exercises of conversations and discussions, advise to write reflections, and passion for Spanish all build my confidence to go beyond and look ahead.
Thank you, Ford for supporting and funding UnBOOKlievable. Thank you, Yuki, Jessie, Sylvia, and Meg for assisting my college application, giving me detailed advice, and trusting me to host reading seminars for underclassmen.
I am honored to be your student.
And of course, huge thanks to my teammates in UnBOOKlievable, C.L.A.P, and Giver; to my fellow biology majors, Jemmy, Louis, Aurora; and many other friends. You make these three years incredible.
Thank you, and congratulations, Class of 2022!
三年前,在同一个舞台上,面对同样的观众,2020届毕业生李瑞哲(Richard Li)与我们分享了“如何在HFI中生存”:“停止拖延”、“寻找和探索激情”、“建设社群”等建议。我们,2022届毕业生,都做到了。可能除了第一点,因为成为一名DDL战士已经成为一种病毒式的趋势。祝贺!!!不要犹豫,给自己点赞吧!
特别是在这三年里,世界正在发生剧烈的变化,我们必须拥抱这些众多的不确定性。在最繁忙、压力最大的大三,我们突然被告知要参加ACT而不是SAT,只有三次考试机会。我们必须在短时间内满足复杂的GAC要求,并适应ACT有限的阅读时间、特殊的科学问题以及我们无法再突出显示和记录重要线索的数字格式。去年的AP考试也被移到了网上。还记得,我的AP欧洲历史考试从5月20日凌晨1点开始,考试前几天我不得不故意熬夜到凌晨4点,以暂时改变我的昼夜节律。今年,我们中的一些人不得不去香港考AP。由于隔离和感染风险,我们不得不离开家和学校近一个月。夏校要么被取消,要么被转移到网上,所以我们不能参观大学,也不能亲身感受他们的氛围、 面对面讨论的热情、穿着实验服和使用高级设备的热情、与外国同学互动的热情都消失了。过去两年的国际日无法亲自主持,我们无法感受到销售、叫卖、烹饪和表演的兴奋。
Mike和Louis指导了第一届美术周和达人秀,其中我们欣赏了Hamilton和“We Don t Talk About Bruno”的精彩戏剧作品,Fusion和Musical的合作节目“La La Land”,Peter、Rachel和Esther的音游表演,Jack的魔术表演,Bryan的催眠和冥想实验,以及可爱猫咪照片展览。今年,我们甚至可以在画布上自由作画。我由衷地被艺术、创造力、生命、自然和我们自己的力量所感动。2022届毕业生,我们让HFI充满活力、艺术和魅力。
在这三年的运动会中,我们为Jemmy、Emily C和X、Sammy、Ning等挑战自我、打破纪录的人呐喊。Jemmy在800米赛跑中比其他人快了200多米,几乎在她参加的所有比赛中都获得了奖牌。尽管腿部受伤,Emily并没有放弃比赛。Sammy报名参加了两年的1500米长跑,为了取得更好的成绩,她每天都在练习。他们的坚持、荣誉和坚定的信念证明,只要我们努力奋斗,一切皆有可能。当然,非常感谢负责任的志愿者和摄影师,他们不时地支持他们。2022届毕业生,我们让HFI变得鼓舞人心、充满活力和凝聚力。
来到这样一个多样化的环境,我立刻被许多关于不同社会问题的研讨会、书籍和文本的讨论,以及与有共同兴趣或专业的朋友分享有趣的事实和知识所启发。Ariel关于哲学的播客,Judy的心理学和营养学知识,Zimo对文学的透彻分析,生物学学生对最新研究的分享,AP Lit的Spiderweb讨论,BOOK思意关于Hermann Hesse和现代主义的讨论,辩论俱乐部的工作坊只是一座冰山。我们努力畅所欲言,了解世界,展望社会问题的解决方案。对于2022届毕业生,我们让HFI变得学术、令人敬畏、令人大开眼界。
这三年的每一次大型活动,我都一定会去看Fusion的演出。我看到了Alexander, Tiffany, Shirley, Elaina, Doris, 和其他许多人的热情。他们从10年级坚持到12年级,创新地在跳舞的时候手抓白色小灯,包容地教授新成员(他们在申请大学后想尝试跳舞)。在今年Fine Arts Week的舞台上,每一支舞蹈都是如此令人惊叹,我开始意识到我们从开始到今天,从高一到高三,迈出了多么大的一步。声音和灯光效果,情绪和气氛,以及每一个动作的力量都在传达HFI学生的能力。我们勇于尝试自己感兴趣的一切,主动影响和帮助他人,利用一切资源脱颖而出,证明自己。
对任何人来说,生活都不是称心如意的。有低潮的时候,我们不能得到我们想要的一切,不得不面对问题和逆境。这对我们来说尤其困难,我们离开家人和朋友,独自走进一个新的环境。我们所能做的,是充分利用我们无法控制的环境,看到光明的一面并灵活应对,管理负面情绪并冷静下来。做一个有韧性的人,有强大的内心,有自知之明。当发生紧急情况或突然变化时,尝试立即找出背后的原因,并制定Plan B,以尽量减少负面结果。当我们没有被项目或实习录取时,试着意识到我们的缺点,并尽可能地改进它们。最重要的是,尝试建立一个系统来管理感觉和冲动。你可以写下你得知坏消息后的感受,分析你的情绪流动, 想想你能做些什么来缓解和释放负面情绪。对我来说,这将是听某些歌曲,看电视剧,与朋友或父母聊天,在校园里散步,冷静下来,思考如何为下一个机会做准备。
谢谢您,Mr. Frost、Matt和Ms. Lindsey。感谢你们对写作、文学和历史分析的指导。
当然,非常感谢我在BOOK思意、C.L.A.P、Giver和生物社的队友。生物专业的同学,Jemmy, Louis, Aurora。还有很多其他朋友。你让这三年变得不可思议。
