Labor Day Holiday & Dragon Boat Festival- 2017
Dear All,
Here are the notice and other related issues for the coming holidays:
◆ 劳动节假期自2017年4月29日(周六)至5月1日(周一),放假三天。
Labor Day Holiday: Saturday, April 29 to Monday, May 1
◆ 端午节假期: 因为考虑到美国大学理事会临时调整 SAT 考试政策对中国学生的日程安排影响,我校端午放假安排与国 家颁布的日期不同,特将5月30日的端午假期调至6月2日,以便学生们有充分时间做好调整与准备。 5月29、30、31日及6月1日 均为正常上课时间。
Dragon Boat Festival: The timing of this holiday is different from the government official arrangement. This is because some students will attend the SAT on Saturday, June 3, Dragon Boat festival has been moved to Friday, June 2 to allow the students have more time to prepare for the exam. May 29 to June 1 will be regular school days.
◆ 住宿生劳动节假期期间如需留校学习的,请于4月28日(周四)下午4点前到班主任处申请;高一住宿生端午节需留宿的,则于6月1日(周四)下午4点前申请。申请获批后方可留校住宿。
Boarding students who need to stay at school during the Labor Day holiday/Dragon Boat Festival, please submit the application form to the class tutor before 4:00 pm on April 28 (Fri.)/June 1 (Thur.);
◆ 住宿生按规定在5月1日(周一)/ 6月4日(周日)晚上8点前返校,当日晚自习正常进行。
Boarding students must return to school before 8pm on May 1 (Mon.)/June 4 (Sun.).
Wish you all a pleasant and safe holiday!